How is my assessment determined?
Your assessment is based on the market value of your property. Market value is the most probable selling price of a property, on the open market, as of a specific date, assuming a knowledgeable buyer and seller.
What date is my market value assessment based on?
Each year your assessment is based on the market conditions on July 1 of the previous year. For 2025, your market value is based on the real estate market as of July 1, 2024. The assessment also reflects the physical condition of your home as it existed on December 31, 2024.
Will my taxes increase by the same amount as my assessment?
No. Residential property assessments have increased significantly this year. For example, a 10% increase to your home's assessment will not result in a 10% tax increase. Exact property tax amounts will be available in May.
Why does the City use this system to determine assessments?
Legislation in Alberta specifies the manner in which assessments must be prepared. All properties in Alberta are assessed using the same parameters and guidelines.
What should I do if I feel my assessment or other information on my assessment notice is incorrect?
You can contact the Assessment staff at 780.678.3032 or via email at
You have the right to file a complaint regarding the assessed value of your property. You can find information about the complaint process at
When can I expect my Tax Notice?
Tax Notices are being mailed out in May.
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