How Do I...
Apply for a Business License? |
Every business operating in the City of Camrose requires a business license. Find out more and apply for a license. |
Apply for a Development Permit? |
Find out more about the different development permits and how to apply for them. |
Apply for a Special Event? |
Holding a Special Event may require a Special Event permit. Find out more about Special Events. |
Buy a Track Pass? |
You can either buy your track pass online (an account is needed) or stop by the Community Services office in the Recreation Centre to purchase or renew your track pass. (Office hours are 8:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.) Find out more about the track and track passes. |
Get a Construction Permit? |
Contact our Safety Codes department at 780.672.4428 or at or find out more information on the Safety Codes webpage. |
Get a Dog License? |
Dog owners are required to license their dogs with the City of Camrose before January 31 of every year. Find out more about Dog Licenses. |
Find my Waste Collection Day? |
Collection starts at 7:45am on collection day and may not be completed until 7:00pm. Find out more about waste collection. |
Find my Zoning? |
The Land Use Bylaw divides the City of Camrose into several districts. Find out more about Zoning. |
Invite Mayor and Council to an Event? |
Beyond inviting the Mayor and Council to an event, you can also request Certificates of Congratulations, Letters of Recognition, Mayor's Message and Proclamations. Find out more about Requests for the Mayor and Councillors. |
Pay my Taxes? |
Property taxes are the City's main source of income and are used to fund the many services provided in Camrose. Taxes are due every year on June 30th. Find out more about Property Taxes. |
Register for a Program or Course? |
We offer several different types of programs and courses. Find out what Programs and Courses are currently available and how to register. |
Report a Concern? |
We now allow residents to report non-Bylaw and non-emergent concerns online! These issues (e.g. snow removal, traffic lights, potholes, broken branches, etc.) can be quickly and easily submitted in this new system so that it is automatically directed to the correct department and staff can start resolving the concern quicker. No account or registration is required. Report a Concern online here. |
Sign up for Utilities? |
The City of Camrose provides water, sewer, recycling, and garbage services to residents of the City. When you move to a new address in Camrose as a homeowner or as a renter you will need to sign up for these services. Find out more about signing up and cancelling your utilities. |
Speak at a Council Meeting? |
Residents are always welcome to attend the open portion of our Regular Council Meetings. Find out more about how to make a presentation to Council and how to speak during Public Commentary. |
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