Pictured left to right, Arlo Grundberg, University of Alberta Augustana Campus; Danielle Chute, Camrose and District Music Festival; Louis Ducharm, Camrose Public Library; Mike Hicks, Infinite Imagination; Jess Hughes, Camrose Arts Society; Helen Teichroeb, Camrose Arts Society; Elliot Harder, Bailey Theatre Society; Ashley Robson, École Camrose Composite High School drama program; Camrose Arts Council board members Joy-Anne Murphy, Agnes Hoveland, David Roth, Carole-May Coty, Mike Ploner and Stacey Beach.
The arts and culture scene in Camrose was supported in no small way by the Camrose Arts Council, which invested $39,050 in a wide array of initiatives and events during 2024.
“The City of Camrose, through the Camrose Arts Council, sees tremendous value in supporting and encouraging arts and culture projects in our community,” said Steven Hansen, who chairs the arts council’s board.
“Many of these initiatives would not have come to fruition if the arts council hadn’t been there to provide critical grants. We are gratified by the breadth and scope of the successful projects we were able to support through the city’s grant program."
The arts council is always on the lookout for innovative arts and culture projects to support. Anyone interested in finding out more about the criteria required to apply for an arts council grant can find out all they need to know on the Community Grants webpage.
The next deadline for applications is March 30.
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