The City of Camrose has a robust heritage interest with an active Heritage Advisory Committee, committed staff and a growing Heritage Registry. Camrose residents have a clear interest and value the legacy of the past through the city’s heritage and intangible cultural landscapes. Find out more about the History of Camrose. 

Heritage Advisory Committee

The Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC) is an advisory body to Council that acts on matters relating to the heritage significance of any building, structure or area within the City.

The committee meets on the Third Thursday of each month, unless otherwise determined.

Valuable Heritage Resources:

Heritage Management Plan

The Heritage Management Plan (HMP) is a 10-year framework and policy document to help conserve, manage and celebrate Camrose’s heritage resources. The Plan responds to identified challenges and opportunities. The guidelines set forth new directions that better support the shared community value of heritage through several goals.

City of Camrose Heritage Survey and Inventory

The City of Camrose Heritage Survey and Inventory was a list complied in 2011, of areas of historic significance. Additional updates and added properties will be completed shortly.

Municipal Heritage Designation

A property owner may submit application for Municipal Heritage Designation of their property. Application is submitted to Council for the bylaw designation. This fosters conversation and appreciation of historic sites and renewed building life from thoughtful restoration. The designation allows an owner to apply for provincial grant funding for restoration projections.

Provincial Heritage Designations Properties

The Historical Resources Act empowers the Government of Alberta to designate a site as a Provincial Historic Resource. To qualify, historic places must normally be associated with a significant aspect of Alberta’s past and retain the physical site features. There are four (4) properties that currently have Alberta Provincial Heritage Designation within the city:

  • The Canadian Northern Railway Station, 4407 – 47 Avenue, Designated 2007
  • “Normal School” / Rosehaven, 4612 – 53 Street, Designated 1977
  • “Camrose Feed Mill”, 4919 - 47 Street, Designated 1985
  • “Camrose Public Library”, 4857 – 50 Street, Designated 1978
Heritage Walking Tour

A walking tour was held on May 5, 2023. Find out more about the Camrose Historic Walk.

Augustana Area Redevelopment Plan

The Augustana neighbourhood is a mature community located in the centre of the city between the downtown core and the University of Alberta Augustana campus. Due to the community’s location and growing redevelopment interest, an Augustana Area Redevelopment Plan was undertaken. The vision is aimed to respect and enhance the historical characteristics of the area, while allowing for appropriate infill redevelopment to take place in a sensitive manner.

Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan

The 2018 Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan establishes a framework a vision and strategy to ensure development of Downtown Camrose over the next 25 years. The plan will foster re-development opportunities to rejuvenate the downtown into a premier destination through effective placemaking and intriguing land use.

Camrose and District Centennial Museum

The Camrose and District Centennial Museum is a local museum which opened on July 1, 1967, and stewards over 85,000 artifacts, and 13 outbuildings. The grounds at the museum will escort you into a prairie village from over a century ago.

Heritage Railway Station and Park

The Camrose Heritage Railway Station and Park is located in the heart of Camrose’s heritage district and offers visitors the opportunity to explore an original 1911 CN Railway Depot.

Camrose Canadian Historic Articles

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