Outcome: Camrose has a bold vision for a strong and diverse economy. Camrose will be known as a great city to do business. Its regional economy provides opportunities for all people, families, businesses, and the community to flourish. Camrose is proud to share and promote the incredible features of our community including our exceptional recreation, arts, and cultural amenities and activities. The City develops strong relationships with the local business community to encourage their growth. Camrose further builds our economic base by attracting sustainable, innovative industries and entrepreneurs. Our region will prosper by working collaboratively with our neighbours and partners.


  • Update the Economic Development Plan.
  • Develop a central identity for Camrose (what Camrose will be known for).
  • Develop key sector profiles for attracting residents, industries, and investors.
  • Support growth and resiliency in the local business community.
  • Develop an Economic Development Framework Policy.

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Contact Us

Trina McCarroll
Corporate Business Planner
City Hall
5204 - 50 Avenue
Camrose, AB T4V 0S8
P. 780.672.4426
F. 780.672.2469
Email Trina McCarroll
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