Council has established a number of Council Committees through a Council Committees Bylaw which contains the terms of reference for each Committee. The Council Committees Bylaw outlines the powers, duties and functions for those Committees. The Council Committees Bylaw excludes the Assessment Review Boards, Camrose Emergency Management Committee, Camrose Police Commission, Camrose Library Board, Camrose Intermunicipal Committe and the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board as they governed by their own Bylaw.
The composition of the majority of the Council Committees contains both Council members and members-at-large from the community who are appointed by Council. There is no remuneration for member-at-large appointments with the exception of the Assessment Review Boards, however training is mandatory.
Each year Council recognizes the important contribution members make to the community. Council hosts an Appreciation Luncheon in July or August and a Recognition Ceremony in January of the following year for those members whose term expired. A formal acknowledgement is given to each member. Preview the Recognition of Member at Large Appointments Policy.
Member-at-large applications are accepted throughout the year as vacancies become available and as terms expire December 31st. View Volunteer Opportunities.
Assessment Review Boards |
The City's two assessment review boards established by bylaw are:
The Local Assessment Review Board and the Composite Assessment Review Board is currently made up of the following members:
The Boards has no limits for membership and is always recruiting. The Boards meets as required. For further information about on the Boards contact Legislative Services, call 780.672.4426 or email |
Camrose Airport Commission |
The Camrose Airport Commission aids and assists in the continued development and operation of the Camrose Airport. Composition: 6 members, 1 City Councillor, 5 Members-at-large (3 from the City of Camrose and maximum of 2 maybe from the Camrose County). The City Council appointed members are:
The Camrose Airport Commission meets on the third Wednesday of every second month at 10:00 a.m., in the Airport Terminal Building. For further information about the Committee contact Kirsten Nichols, Recording Secretary at 780.672.4428 or |
Camrose and District Family and Community Support Services (formerly known as the Camrose & District Support Services) |
The Camrose and District Family and Community Support Services organization provides for the establishment, administration and operation of a joint Family and Community Support Services Program, for the benefit of the participating municipalities. The partnering municipalities are: City of Camrose, Camrose County, and the Villages of Bawlf, Bittern Lake, Edberg, Ferintosh, Hay Lakes, and Rosalind. The City of Camrose appoints two Council Members and one alternate Council Member to serve on the Camrose and District Family and Community Support Services Board:
The Camrose and District Family and Community Support Services Board meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m., in the Camrose and District Family and Community Support Service Boardroom, 4821 - 51 Street. |
Camrose and Area Lodge Authority |
The Camrose and Area Lodge Authority has the overall responsibility for the operation of the seniors' lodges in Camrose and Bashaw. The lodges provide housing opportunities for one of the fastest growing segments of the population. The City of Camrose appoints three Council Members to serve on the Authority:
The Camrose and Area Lodge Authority are scheduled to meet February, March, May, June, September, and November at 9:00 a.m., in the Heritage Building 1st Floor Boardroom, 4612 - 53 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1Y6 |
Camrose Arts Council Board |
The Camrose Arts Council Board shall advise City Council on matters pertaining to arts and culture activities in the City of Camrose and act as a governing body to disseminate grants as delegated under the current “Arts Council Grant Funding Bylaw” for arts and culture initiatives while championing a cohesive and collaborative arts and culture community. Composition: 7 Members, 2 City Councillors and 5 members-at-large The Camrose Arts Council Board is currently made up of the following members:
The Board meets on the third Thursday of each month, except for July, August and December, at 5:00 p.m., in the Chuck MacLean Arts Centre. View information on the Arts and Culture Grant Funding opportunities or Arts and Culture in Camrose. If you have any questions or would like to connect with the Camrose Arts Council Board, contact us here. |
Camrose Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee (formerly known as the Camrose Green Action Committee) |
The Camrose Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee is a continuing Committee whose purpose is to help Camrose become a more environmentally sustainable community, by advising Council and participating in relevant City and community initiatives. Composition: 10 Members, 1 City Councillor, 8 Members-at-Large, 1 Member from University of Alberta and 1 Member from the Battle River Watershed Alliance The Camrose Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee is currently made up of the following members:
The Committee meets every third Tuesday of the month from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. in Committee Room 126 at City Hall. For further information about the Committee contact Kari Burnstad at 780-672-4428 or |
Camrose Intermunicipal Committee |
The Camrose Intermunicipal Committee is a committee established by the City of Camrose and Camrose County to provide for the following:
The Camrose Intermunicipal Committee is currently made up of the following members:
The Camrose Intermunicipal Committee meets as required. For further information about the Committee Legislative Services at 780-672-4426 or |
Camrose Performing Arts Centre Board of Governors |
The Camrose Performing Arts Centre Board of Governors provides leadership and guidance to the Camrose Performing Arts Centre Management Board who manage the Jeanne and Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre in Camrose. The City of Camrose appoints two Council Members to the Camrose Performing Arts Centre Board of Governors:
The Camrose Performing Arts Centre Board of Governors meets as required. |
Camrose Police Commission |
The Camrose Police Commission oversees the Camrose Police Service to ensure effective, efficient and accountable policing is provided to Camrose citizens and visitors. Composition: 10 Members, 2 City Councillors, 5 members-at-large appointed by City Council and 1 to 3 members-at-large appointed by the province. The Camrose Police Commission is currently made up of the following members:
The Commission meets on the third Wednesday of each month, excluding August, at 8:00 a.m., in the Committee Room 126 at City Hall, unless otherwise determined. For further information about the Commission contact Legislative Services at 780.672.4426 or email the |
Camrose Public Library Board |
The Camrose Public Library Board oversees the operation of the Camrose Public Library. Composition: 10 Members, 1 City Councillor, 1 Camrose County Councillor, 8 members-at-large with not more that 3 from the Camrose County. The City Council appointed Board members are:
The Camrose Public Library Board meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 5:15 p.m., excluding August, in the Camrose Public Library. |
Camrose Recreation Committee |
The Camrose Recreation Committee is a committee established to provide for cost sharing agreements related to city recreation facilities. The City Council appointed Committee members are:
The Camrose Recreation Committee meets as required. |
Camrose Regional Exhibition Board |
The Camrose Regional Exhibition Board governs the Camrose Regional Exhibition and Agricultural Society. The Board of Directors has eleven members, nine members are voted on, one appointed representative from the City of Camrose and one appointed representative from the Camrose County.
The Camrose Regional Exhibition Board of Directors on the third Wednesday of every month, except for July and August at 5:30 p.m., in the Camrose Regional Exhibition. |
Capital Region Southwest Water Services Commission |
The City of Camrose has two Council Members who sit as observers on the Capital Region Southwest Water Services Commission:
The Capital Regional Southwest Water Services Commission meets January 18, March 21, April 18 (Annual), May 16, September 19 and November 24 (Organizational). |
Community Transit Advisory Committee |
The Community Transit Advisory Committee will provide a forum for input and exchange of ideas on active and public transportation. The Committee will research and develop proposals aimed at improving transportation initiatives. Composition: 8 Members, 1 City Councillor, 7 members-at-large from the City of Camrose. The Committee members are:
The Community Transit Advisory meets the second Thursday of every second month June meeting in lieu of July at 2:30 p.m. in Committee Room 126 at City Hall. For further information about this Committee contact Kirsten Nichols, Recording Secretary at 780.672.4428 or |
Discretionary Grants Review Committee |
The Discretionary Grants Review Committee evaluates discretionary grant applications made by organizations and award funds to successful applicants. Funds to be disbursed to organizations in accordance with the Community Grants Policy and within the pre-determined budgetary amounts. Composition: 3 City Councillors The Committee members are:
The Discretionary Grants Review Committee meets twice a year. For further information about the Committee contact Legislative Services at 780.672.4426 or |
Emergency Advisory Committee |
The Emergency Advisory Committee is responsible for the direction and control of the City's response to emergencies. The EAC may authorize the taking of any action necessary to respond to and/or recover from an emergency event. Composition: Mayor and 3 City Councillors The Committee members are:
The Camrose Emergency Advisory Committee meets not less than once per year and as required. For further information about the Committee, call 780.672.4426 or email |
Finance Committee of Council |
The Finance Committee of Council provides financial oversight to Administration on behalf of Council. Composition: Mayor and City Council The Committee members are:
The Finance Committee of Council meets as needed. For further information about the Committee, call 780.672.4426 or email |
Heritage Advisory Committee |
The Heritage Advisory Committee is an advisory body to Council and Administration on any matter related to the heritage significance of any building structure, or landscape feature located within the City of Camrose. Composition: 7 Members, 2 City Councillors, 1 Alternate City Councillor and 5 Members-at-large from the City of Camrose. The Committee members are:
The Heritage Advisory Committee meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 9:30 a.m., except for February, June, (possibly July) and December unless otherwise determined at City Hall. For further information about the Heritage Advisory Committee contact Sandy Domes, Recording Secretary at 780.672.4428 or email |
Member at Large Review Panel |
The Member at Large Review Panel is a panel established by Council to carry out the screening, interview and selection process for the Member-at-large Appointments and make recommendations to Council for appointments to Council Committees. Composition: 3 City Councillors The Panel Members are:
The Member at Large Review Panel meet as needed. For further information about the Panel contact Legislative Services at 780.678.3027 or email |
Municipal Planning Advisory Committee |
The Municipal Planning Advisory Committee acts as the principal advisory body to Council on matters relating to land use planning, which are initiated by Council and / or Administration. Composition: 7 Members: 3 City Councillors, 4 Members-at-Large. The Committee Members are:
The Municipal Planning Advisory Committee is held the last Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise determined from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., in Commitee Room 126 at City Hall. For further information about the Committee contact Kari Burnstad at 780-672-4428 or email |
Parkland Regional Library Board |
The Parkland Regional Library Board manages the regional library system by organizing, promoting and maintaining comprehensive and efficient library services. Composition: City Council Appointed: 1 Councillor and 1 alternate Councillor The City appointed members are:
The Parkland Regional Library Board meets the third Thursday of every third month, February, May, September, November in the Parkland Regional Library Board Room in Lacombe. |
Recreation Advisory Committee (NEW) |
The Recreation Advisory Committee, with the guidance of the Regional Recreation Master Plan, shall advise the City Council on matters pertaining to recreation and sporting activities in the City of Camrose for the purpose of long-term operations and capital planning. Composition: City of Camrose - 2 Councillors and 3 to 5 members-at-large. Composition: Camrose County - 2 Councillors and 2 members-at-large. The City Councillors appointed members are
The Camrose County Councillors appointed members are:
Member-at-large Vacancies - 3 to 5 (City) and 2 (County) - Application deadline January 15, 2025 The Committee meets on a quarterly basis or as requested by the General Manager, Community Services or designate and agreed upon by the Chair or Vice-Chair. |
Rose City Handi-van Society Board |
The Rose City Handi-van Society provides specialized services for seniors and persons with disabilities in the City of Camrose and Camrose County. The Society also operates the Camrose Community Bus for the City of Camrose. Composition: City Council Appointed: 1 Council Member and 1 Administrative Member The City appointed members are:
The Rose City Handi-van meets the fourth Tuesday of every month, unless otherwise specified at 1:15 p.m., in the Mirror Lake Centre. |
Subdivision and Development Authority |
The Subdivision and Development Authority exercises subdivision powers and duties on behalf of the City in accordance with the Municipal Government Act, and the Subdivision and Development Authority Bylaw. The Authority members are:
The Subdivision and Development Authority meets as required. For further information on the Authority contact Kari Burnstad, Planning Services Assistant at 780.672.4428 or email |
Subdivision and Development Appeal Board |
The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board hears subdivision and development appeals in accordance with the Municipal Government Act, and the City's Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Bylaw. Composition: 6 Members: 1 City Council, 1 City Council Alternate, and 5 Members-at-large The Board members are:
Vacancies - 2 For further information about the Board contact Legislative Services, call 780.672.4426 or email |
Note: Council Members serving on the above are appointed annually at the Organizational Meeting of Council. Member at large appointments expire on December 31st of each year.
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