Agendas & Minutes
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Council Calendar
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Attending Council Meetings

All meetings are open to the public, and no person shall be excluded except for improper conduct. The only exception to limit access is when Council closes all or part of the meeting to the public (in camera sessions) to discuss confidential items. Attending Council meetings can be an excellent way to understand how Council makes decisions. While the doors to Council Chambers are never locked during a meeting, attendees are encouraged to arrive early as not to disrupt the meeting. Public seating is located just inside the doors of Council Chambers.

If you are unable to attend, you can watch Regular Council meetings live here.

Closed Sessions

A closed session is the portion of a Council Meeting that is for Council to discuss sensitive items such as those within Part I, Division 2 of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council cannot make any decisions during a closed session. To pass any motions or resolutions, Council must close the closed session and return to an open session.

Anyone who is not a member of Council or the Management Team is required to leave Council Chambers during a closed session, and the livestream/recordings are ended. This would include other members of Administration and members of the public and media.

There are no recorded minutes or notes taken during a closed session.

Public Hearings

Public Hearings are an opportunity for people who are affected by a proposed bylaw or resolution to address Council. They are held in Council Chambers at City Hall during Regular Council Meetings. All Public Hearings are advertised in the local newspaper for two consecutive weeks prior to the hearing date.

Written comments are to be forwarded to the City of Camrose by the time and date specified in the notice. They will then be included in the council agenda. However, written and oral submissions may be made at the public hearing without prior notification to the City of Camrose as long as the presenter brings nine copies of the presentation for Council.

Those wishing to make a presentation at the hearing are asked to register by signing the Public Hearing Sign-In sheet upon arrival at the hearing. Each presenter will only be permitted to speak once unless substantive new information is being provided.

View any upcoming Public Hearings.

Speaking at Council
Presentations to Council

Individuals and groups may present to Council by making a request to the City Manager, through the Legislative Services Coordinator. The request must:


  • Be received no later than 12:00 p.m. at least seven full days prior to a Council Meeting. Requests received after that will be included on the agenda for the next Council Meeting (exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Mayor or City Manager).
  • Include the details of the presentation, including any materials the presenter wishes to use (for example, a PowerPoint presentation); and.
  • Include the proposed meeting date for the presentation, contact information for the presenter, (if representing an organization include the organization's name), and an estimate of how much time needed for the presentation.


If your request is granted, the Legislative Services Coordinator will contact you to schedule or confirm the date, time, and duration of your presentation to Council.


Please be aware that your full name and all presentation materials will be made public as part of the meeting agenda. Presentation materials must be submitted in advance, as you will not be able to use a USB or your own device.


Requests to present may be dropped off at City Hall, emailed to, or mailed to:


Legislative Services

City of Camrose

5204 - 50 Avenue

Camrose, AB T4V 0S8

Public Commentary

Public Commentary allows residents to directly address Council on city matters. It is held at the beginning of each Regular Council Meeting for a maximum of 15 minutes (may be shortened or extended at the discretion of Council).

A resident wishing to participate needs to register by signing the “Public Commentary Sign-In” sheet upon arrival at the meeting. Each registered speaker will be called upon to address Council in the order that they signed in. A resident who has not registered to speak during Public Commentary may be permitted to do so at the discretion of Council.

Types of Council Meetings

Committee of the Whole Council Meetings

Held on the first and third Monday of each month unless posted otherwise, Committee of the Whole Council Meetings start at 2 p.m.  All meetings are open to the public except for matters held in closed session. Meetings are held in Council Chambers on the first floor of City Hall at 5204 - 50 Avenue in Camrose.

A Committee of the Whole Meeting provides the opportunity for Council to hold discussions on any matter, determine process, and receive detailed information from administration, delegations or subject matter experts. Committee of the Whole meetings are held in a less formal atmosphere than a Regular Council Meeting.

Regular Meetings

Held on the first and third Monday of each month unless posted otherwise, Regular Council Meetings start at 5 p.m. All meetings are open to the public except for matters held in closed session. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers on the first floor of City Hall at 5204 - 50 Avenue in Camrose.

Regular Council Meetings are when your Mayor and Council make decisions that set the direction for maintaining a safe and viable community. Those decisions come in the form of resolutions/motions and bylaws which enable Administration to conduct day-to-day operations of our community. Residents have the opportunity to participate in council meetings through Public Commentary and by attending as a delegation.

Special Council Meetings

A Special Council Meeting may be called at any time for a specific purpose by the Mayor or if requested by a majority of the Councillors. These meetings are usually called for time-sensitive items that cannot wait until the next Regular Council Meeting.

Annual Organizational Meeting of Council

Council must hold an organizational meeting annually not later than 2 weeks after the 3rd Monday in October.

At the Organizational meeting, Council conducts the following business:

  • Selection of the Deputy Mayor by rotation;
  • Establishes the Council Meeting Dates (Committee of the Whole Council and Regular Council Meetings);
  • Appoints Council Members on Council Committees, Commissions, Boards and Authorities; and
  • Any other business as is required by the Municipal Government Act.

Committees and Boards

Council has established a number of Committees and Boards through bylaws or terms of reference. Council appointed members serve on the majority of the committees and boards including members at large from the community who are appointed by Council.

Council has a “Recognition of Member at Large Appointments Policy” to recognize the important contribution Committee and Board members make to the community. A formal acknowledgement is given to each member upon conclusion of their appointed term.

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Contact Us

Jenny Wallace
Legislative Services Coordinator
5204 - 50 Avenue Camrose, AB T4V 0S8
T. 780.672.4426
F. 780.672.2469
Email Jenny Wallace
View this location on a map.