Long-term outcome: Camrose builds and maintains infrastructure in a sustainable manner to meet the needs of the community and enhances green spaces while protecting the natural environment. Effective land-use planning is used to help create a safe, vibrant community.

Visions for this pillar:

  • Camrose has an extensive and naturalized park and trails system.
  • Camrose has high density, walkable, diverse and mixed use neighbourhoods.
  • Camrose has accessible and comprehensive recycling options.
  • Camrose has a sustainable supply of water that can support the City’s population.

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Contact Us

Trina McCarroll
Corporate Business Planner
City Hall
5204 - 50 Avenue
Camrose, AB T4V 0S8
P. 780.672.4426
F. 780.672.2469
Email Trina McCarroll
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