Outcome: City staff are well-trained and equipped to provide excellent services to the public and other City Departments. The City is a desirable workplace; it has a healthy, positive organizational culture with employee appreciation, opportunities for growth, and a strong sense of team.  

Modern technology and systems are in place that meet current expectations of citizens and support internal services. Safe, secure, and efficient technology enables reliable work processes, continuous improvement, and data-informed decision-making. In turn, these help the City manage its assets and deliver services well.  


  • Ensure a strong organizational culture through annual employee engagement surveys.
  • Ensure adequate resources are provided for staff to meet established service levels.
  • Invest in and implement necessary technology and system upgrades.
  • Develop an HR Framework Policy and an IT Framework Policy.

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Trina McCarroll
Corporate Business Planner
City Hall
5204 - 50 Avenue
Camrose, AB T4V 0S8
P. 780.672.4426
F. 780.672.2469
Email Trina McCarroll
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