Outcome: The City manages its assets (roads, utilities, fleet and facilities) to maximize their value to the community and limit lifecycle costs for maintenance and replacement. The City uses a proactive, data-based, long-term asset management approach to meet defined service levels for the community and optimize the assets required to provide services.  Priorities, policies, tools, and funding are in place to provide direction for the asset management program. The City monitors and maintains its assets to prepare the organization and community to be resilient to climate impacts and other emergencies.


  • Develop an Asset Management Strategy & Roadmap for the next 5 – 10 years.
  • Develop an Asset Management Framework Policy.

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Contact Us

Trina McCarroll
Corporate Business Planner
City Hall
5204 - 50 Avenue
Camrose, AB T4V 0S8
P. 780.672.4426
F. 780.672.2469
Email Trina McCarroll
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