This is a list of the most commonly requested policies. If there is a policy that you would like to see but is not here, or for general information on policies, please contact us or search the database here.

Affordable Housing Wavier of Development Fees Policy
The Affordable Housing Wavier of Development Fees Policy establishes criteria through which the Development Authority may waive certain fees for the development of affordable housing.
Appointments to Council Committees Policy
The Appointments to Council Committees establishes a consistent process for appointing members from the public to Council Committees, Commissions, Boards and Authorities to ensure the most suitable and qualified candidate is recruited and selected.
Asset Management Policy 
The Asset Management Policy sets guidelines for the logical, methodical, and informed decision-making in Asset life-cycle planning to deliver the Levels of Service established by Council in accordance with the principles of social, environmental, and financial sustainability. 
Bicycle Disposition Policy
The Bicycle Disposition Policy provides the process for the disposition of found and unclaimed bicycles.
Budget Policy
The Budget Policy establishes principles and provides direction for the preparation approval and amendment of two year Municipal Budgets.
Camrose Airport Aerial Applicators Policy
The Camrose Airport Aerial Applicators Policy was developed to control the use of the Camrose Airport by commercial aerial applicators to insure protection of the airport and the environment.
Camrose and District Centennial Museum Society Deaccessioning Policy 
The Camrose and District Centennial Museum Society Deaccessioning Policy establishes the rules for the artifacts in the possession and ownership of the Camrose District Centennial Museum Society, in the event of dissolution of the Society.
Camrose Performing Arts Center No-Fee Event Days and Community Engagement Event Allocation Policy
The Camrose Performing Arts Centre No-Fee Event Days and Community Engagement Event Allocation Policy provides direction on how the City of Camrose bookings are managed at the Lougheed Performing Arts Centre.
Camrose Police Commission Selection and Appointment Policy
The Camrose Police Commission Selection and Appointment Policy establishes a consistent process for the selection and appointment of members to the Camrose Police Commission.
Charges for City Services of Jaywalkers Jamboree and Big Valley Jamboree Parade Policy
The Charges for City Services of Jaywalkers Jamboree and Big Valley Jamboree Parade Policy provides for the re-allocation of in-kind services for various community events.
City Greeting in Community Programs Policy
The City Greeting in Community Programs Policy governs and controls expenditures of city funds for city greetings in community programs.
City-Owned Facilities Fund Development and Naming Policy
The City-Owned Facilities Fund Development and Naming Policy establishes a framework for the City of Camrose to assist with the funding of City Facility infrastructure that reflects the values of the community and Council and supports the long-term sustainability of Facilities in the city.
City-Owned Facilities Honourific Naming Policy
The City-Owned Facilities Honourific Naming Policy establishes a framework for the City of Camrose Council to consider naming a City Owned Facility in honour of an individual’s extraordinary contributions to the City of Camrose.
Commemoratives and Memorials Policy
The Commemoratives and Memorials Policy provides guidance for the inclusion and acceptance of Commemoratives, Memorials, donated monuments, plaques, benches, tables, cairns, flag poles, trees, and markers (all of which will be jointly referred to as “Memorials”) that are requested to be located on City property, at a City facility, or on any City premises, including public parks and open spaces.  
Community Grant Policy
The Community Grant Policy provides guidance on the allocation of grants and other support to applicants throughout the year and during the annual budget.
Community Group Donation Request Policy
The Community Group Donation Request Policy establishes guidelines for Administration to follow when considering requests made by community groups for in-kind donations from City facilities.
Condominium Conversions Policy
The Condominium Conversion Policy provides the process to convert buildings to condominiums.
Construction Performance Deposits Policy

The Construction Performance Deposits Policy was developed to protect public and private interests in regards to:

  • Changes to city infrastructure during construction
  • Development Permit conditions.
Council and Administration Protocol Policy
The Council and Administration Protocol Policy establishes a framework to clarify the roles of Council and Administration.
Council Attendance at Grand Openings Policy
The Council Attendance at Grand Openings Policy outlines the parameters for Council participation at and official recognition of grand openings of City businesses.
Council Policy on Policy Development Policy 
The Council Policy on Policy Development Policy establishes a consistent approach and philosophy for the development and approval of Council policies.
Council Social Media Policy
The Council Social Media Policy establishes guidelines for the use of social media by members of Council.
Council Support and Remuneration Policy
The Council Support and Remuneration Policy establishes council wages, the process for expense claims and benefits.
Debt Policy
The Debt Policy provides the rules for which debt may be issued, the types of debt and the amount of permissible debt.
Decals on City Vehicles Policy
The Decals on City Vehicles Policy prohibits the placements of decals on city vehicles of other departments and of other community, provincial and national organizations.
Delegation of Authority from Council to City Manager Policy
The Delegation of Authority from Council to City Manager Policy delegates the power and duties from City Council to the City Manager.
Development Permit Securities Policy
The Development Permit Securities Policy guarantees that securities are in place for development projects and that all Municipal Development Standards are achieved prior to the release of securities.
Development Permits with Outstanding Conditions Prior to June 1, 2016 Policy
The Development Permits with Outstanding Conditions Prior to June 1, 2016 Policy provides direction to the Development Authority on the procedure for outstanding Development Permit conditions issued prior to June 1, 2016, in a fair and consistent way when a new development or subdivision applications is submitted.  This policy applies to certain Development Permit approvals prior to June 1, 2016.
Donations Received Policy
The Donations Received Policy provides the rules and responsibilities of monetary contributions and gifts in kind donated to the city.
Dust Abatement Policy
The Dust Abatement Policy outlines where and how dust abatement may be provided on gravel roads within the City of Camrose.
Equipment Maintenance Reserve Policy
The Equipment Maintenance Reserve Policy directs that an Equipment Maintenance Reserve Account be established through equipment rates to buffer revenue from unexpected maintenance expenditures. 
Election Signs Policy
The Election Signs Policy regulates the placement of signs that advertise or promote candidates in federal, provincial, or municipal elections, including the election of local trustees or commissions.
Excavations on City Property and Right of Ways Policy
The Excavations on City Property and Right of Ways Policy provides the regulations, responsibilities of parties involved, and permitting procedures when excavating on city property, easement or rights of way to protect the integrity of the city's infrastructure.
Facility Booking Policy
The Facility Booking Policy establishes the process for allocating and administering recreational spaces controlled by the City of Camrose and to utilized the spaces to their fullest extent. 
Film Production Policy
The Film Production Policy establishes clear guidelines and procedures for Film Productions within the City of Camrose to ensure safety, compliance with local regulations, and minimal disruption to the community, while promoting a film-friendly environment. 
Financial Reserve Policy
The Financial Reserve Policy sets the standards and guidelines for the management of existing reserves and establishment of new reserves.
Flag Display and Lowering Policy
The Flag Display and Lowering Policy sets out the procedures for display and lowering of flags on all City of Camrose buildings and structures.
Framework Policy - Asset Management
The Asset Management Framework Policy establishes a framework of policies, directives, and operational practices through which effective Asset Management is provided throughout all stages of the lifecycle of City assets.
Framework Policy - Communications
The Communications Framework Policy establishes a framework of policies, directives, and operational practices through which to ensure that Communications across the City of Camrose are well coordinated, effectively managed, and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public.
Framework Policy - Community Services
The Community Services Framework Policy establishes a framework of plans, policies, directives, and operational practices through which effective operations and services with respect to recreation facilities, programs, and experiences are provided.
Framework Policy - Economic Development
The Economic Development Framework Policy establishes a framework of policies, directives, and operational practices through which effective economic development strategies are actioned, and the long-term financial stability of the City can be supported through appropriate growth.
Framework Policy - Emergency Management
The Emergency Management Framework Policy establishes a framework of policies, directives, and operational practices through which emergencies can be addressed on a timely, effective, and responsive basis.
Framework Policy - Environmental 
The Environmental Framework Policy establishes a framework of policies, directives, and operational practices through which effective systems and controls can be put into place to support the long-term environmental health of the City and maintain the quality of life for residents.
Framework Policy - Finance
The Finance Framework Policy establishes a framework of policies, directives, and operational practices through which effective financial systems and controls can be put into place and the long-term financial sustainability of the City can be maintained.
Framework Policy - Governance
The Governance Framework Policy establishes a framework of policies, directives, and operational practices to increase the capacity for and consistency of decision making and policy development.
Framework Policy - Health and Safety
The Health and Safety Framework Policy sets out the framework for the Health and Safety Program.
Framework Policy - Human Resources
The Human Resources Framework Policy sets out the framework for Human Resources activities.
Framework Policy - Information Technology
The Information Technology Framework Policy provides an operational structure through which access to corporate information, technology, records, and related resources can be provided to allow Council and Administration to deliver their services both securely and effectively.
Framework Policy - Planning and Development
The Planning and Development Framework Policy establishes a framework of policies, directives, and operational practices with respect to planning and development.
Framework Policy - Protective Services
The Protective Services Framework Policy establishes a framework of policies, directives, and operational practices with respect to policing and fire services.
Fleet Management Policy
The Fleet Management Policy provides a framework for the acquisition, maintenance, replacement, and sale of Fleet vehicles and equipment.
Indemnity Policy
The Indemnity Policy defines the conditions under which indemnification for officers, employees and members of City of Camrose Committees, Commissions, Boards and Authorities are provided.
Interest on Deposits Except Utility Deposits Policy
The Interest on Deposits Except Utility Deposits Policy establishes a framework to apply interest rates on deposits, held by the City of Camrose, with the exception of the utility deposits.
Investment Policy
The Investment Policy ensures funds which have been received by the City of Camrose are invested to provide optimal returns, and conforms to all provincial and other statutes governing the investment of public funds. 
Land Development Policy
The Land Development Policy exists to establish a process for the City of Camrose to evaluate, maintain, and manage a supply of Land for optimal future development.
Land Use Bylaw Enforcement Procedure Policy
The Land Use Bylaw Enforcement Procedure Policy defines the roles and responsibilities, set guidelines and procedures in the enforcement of land use as it relates to the Land Use Bylaw.
Local Improvement Policy
The Local Improvement Policy outlines the procedures for the construction and funding of a Local Improvement within the City of Camrose.
Municipal Tree Care Policy
The Municipal Tree Care Policy establishes a process for the care and management of the urban forest within the City of Camrose.
Organizational Structure Policy
The Organizational Structure Policy ensures that the City of Camrose has an appropriate Management Team Organizational Structure, as developed by the City Manager and approved by Council.
Pedestrian Safety Devices Policy
The Pedestrian Safety Devices Policy is a guideline for the installation of pedestrian safety devices to improve pedestrian safety.
Procurement Policy
The Procurement Policy establishes guidelines for the purchase of goods for the City of Camrose to ensure an open, fair and competitive process.
Property Management Policy
The Property Management Policy exists to provide a framework for the management of City-owned Properties and to ensure that City-owned Properties are managed according to an Asset Management Approach for total life cycle practices.
Public Engagement Policy
The Public Engagement Policy creates opportunities for meaningful public engagement in decisions that directly impact the public.
Recognition of Member at Large Appointments Policy
The Recognition of Member at Large Appointments Policy establishes procedures to acknowledge the commitment, dedication and service of the Committee, Commission, Board and Authority members.  
Recreation Facility Access Policy
The Recreation Facility Access Policy provides an opportunity for Camrose City and County citizens with financial barriers to access recreational facilities operated by the City.
Roadway and Curb Painting Policy
The Roadway and Curb Painting Policy sets the inspection and operational standards for the maintenance of roadway lane line markings, crosswalks and stop lines, as well as the painting of curbs and medians.
Roadway Sign Inspection and Maintenance Policy
The Roadway Sign Inspection and Maintenance Policy establishes procedures for the Public Works Department to inspect, inventory and maintain roadways signs. 
Sundry Accounts and Ambulance Accounts Receivable Policy
The Sundry Accounts and Ambulance Accounts Receivable Policy established the procedure for the collection of Sundry Accounts Receivable and Ambulance Accounts Receivable.
Seasonal Outdoor Patios Policy
The Seasonal Outdoor Patios Policy sets the regulations for Seasonal Outdoor Patios and provides consistent direction and decision-making regarding the same.
Sidewalk Maintenance Policy
The Sidewalk Maintenance Policy outlines the City's responsibilities and processes with respect to public sidewalk maintenance and inspections.
Social Media Policy
The Council Social Media Policy is designed to support Councillors in their use of social media. 
Survey Certificate Requirement Policy
The Survey Certificate Requirement Policy defines the roles, responsibilities and regulations during construction of a development for a Survey Certificate as required in the City of Camrose Land Use Bylaw.
Tax Refund in the Event of Loss Due to Fire Policy
The Tax Refund in the Event of Loss Due to Fire Policy is intended to provide direction for requests from property owners for property tax refunds in the event of loss due to fire.
Use of Council Chambers Policy
The Use of Council Chambers Policy establishes the rules and procedures for the use of Council Chambers.
Use of Non-Motorized Recreation on City of Camrose Water Bodies Policy
The Use of Non-Motorized Recreation on City of Camrose Water Bodies Policy permits the use of and provides guidelines to ensure the safe use of non-motorized recreation boats.
Video Surveillance in City Facilities Policy
The Video Surveillance in City Facilities Policy is a security measure to promote a safe environment for all citizens and to protect City property.

Volunteer Management Policy

The Volunteer Management Policy provides the framework for municipal volunteers to complement and or supplement City of Camrose programs, services and events.

Wastewater System Policy

The Wastewater System Policy establishes standards, procedures and guidelines for the City's Wastewater Bylaw.

Water Conservation and Water Use Policy

The Water Conservation and Water Use Policy ensures the effective and efficient use of the City's water supply during periods of water shortages in accordance with the Water Conservation/Water Use Bylaw.

Water Works Policy

The Water Works Policy establishes the standards, procedures and guidelines for private connections to the City's water system.

Whistle Blower Policy

The Whistle Blower Policy aims to provide an avenue for City of Camrose employees to raise concerns and reassurance that they will be protected from reprisals and victimization for whistle blowing in good faith.

Winter Road Maintenance Policy

The Winter Road Maintenance Policy outlines the listing of priority snow clearing areas within the City of Camrose.

 Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention Policy
 The Workplace and Harassment Prevention Policy provides a safe, productive and healthy working environment for City Council and City of Camrose Employees.
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