The following are the most commonly requested bylaws. For general information on bylaws or to request a bylaw that is not here, please contact us.
Access to Information Bylaw |
Our Access to Information Bylaw (<1MB) establishes the administrative structure of the City of Camrose in relation to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. |
Animal Care Bylaw |
Our Animal Care Bylaw (<1MB) establishes a level of care for Animals within the City. |
Annual Fees and Charges Bylaw |
Our Annual Fees and Charges Bylaw (2.0 MB) sets the fees, rates and charges for services provided by the City. |
Assessment Review Boards Bylaw |
Our Assessment Review Boards Bylaw (1.9 MB) creates the Local Assessment Review Board and the Composite Assessment Review Board. |
Building Permit Bylaw |
Our Building Permit Bylaw (3.4 MB) sets regulations for building permits, including:
Business Improvement Area Tax Bylaw |
Our Business Improvement Area Tax Bylaw (5.4 MB) authorizes:
Business License Bylaw |
Our Business License Bylaw (<1 MB) outlines the details for the licensing and regulating of businesses operating in whole or in part within the City. |
Business Tax Bylaw |
Our Business Tax Bylaw (<1 MB) outlines the details for the assessment of businesses and the establishment of a business tax rate. |
Camrose Concert Bylaw |
Our Concert/Large Outdoor Gathering License Bylaw (6 MB) outlines the details for issuing concert licences within the City. It also applies to the following:
Camrose Intermunicipal Development Plan Bylaw |
Our Intermunicipal Development Plan Bylaw (3 MB) adopted the Intermunicipal Development Plan between the City of Camrose and Camrose County. |
Camrose Performing Arts Centre (CPAC) Borrowing Bylaw |
The Camrose Performing Arts Centre Borrowing Bylaw (<1 MB) allowed City Council to incur debt through debentures in the amount of $8,250,000. This was used for building the Camrose Performing Arts Centre. |
Camrose Police Commission Bylaw |
Our Camrose Police Commission Bylaw (4MB) creates and outlines the structure of the Camrose Police Commission. |
Cemetery Bylaw |
Our Cemetery Bylaw (<1 MB) controls the operation of the Camrose Municipal Cemetery. |
City Manager's Bylaw |
Our City Manager's Bylaw (3.3 MB) defines the duties, powers, and functions of the City Manager. |
Council Code of Conduct Bylaw |
Our Council Code of Conduct Bylaw (6.8 MB) establishes a code of conduct for City Council. |
Council Committee Bylaw |
Our Council Committee Bylaw (1.5 MB) establishes terms of reference and general procedures for various Council Committees. |
Council Committee Code of Conduct Bylaw |
Our Council Committee Code of Conduct Bylaw (2.8 MB) establishes a code of conduct for Council Committees. |
Council Meeting Procedures Bylaw |
Our Council Meeting Procedures Bylaw (10.6 MB) sets the procedures for governing Council Meetings and also applies to Council Committees where they have no governing procedures established. |
Curfew Bylaw |
Our Curfew Bylaw (<1 MB) regulates when children shall not be in a public place at night without proper guardianship. |
Dangerous Goods Bylaw |
Our Dangerous Goods Bylaw (2.6 MB) sets restrictions on transporting and handling dangerous goods within the City. |
Disestablishment of Downtown Camrose Development Ltd. Bylaw |
Our Disestablishment of Downtown Camrose Development Ltd. Bylaw (<1MB) disestablishes the Downtown Camrose Development Ltd. business improvement area. |
Dog Control Bylaw |
Our Dog Control Bylaw establishes a system of licensing and control for dogs within the City. |
Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan |
Our Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan (20 MB) describes a unified vision and includes a comprehensive implementation strategy to ensure the continued development and redevelopment of Downtown Camrose over the next 25 years. |
Election Bylaw |
Our Election Bylaw (6.1 MB) establishes election procedures for City elections. |
Emergency Management Bylaw |
Our Emergency Management Bylaw (<1 MB) outlines the City's emergency management procedures, including the establishment of committees to declare local emergencies, develop emergency plans, and direct emergency response. |
Encroachment Agreement Bylaw |
Our Encroachment Agreement Bylaw (<1 MB) gives authority to approve encroachments from adjacent lands upon municipal property. |
Fire Bylaw |
Our Fire Bylaw (1.3 MB) outlines the details for the creation and operation of a fire department and the protection of people and property. |
Land Use Bylaw |
Our Land Use Bylaw (9 MB) divides the City into districts and controls the use and development of the land and buildings within the City. |
Nuisance Abatement Bylaw |
Our Nuisance Abatement Bylaw (<1 MB) provides for the reduction of nuisances (such as noise and weeds) within the City. |
Off-Site Levy Bylaw (Coordinated Service Areas) |
Our Off-Site Levy Bylaw (Coordinated Service Areas) (1 MB) imposes and outlines the details for the payment of Off-Site Levies in respect of land that is to be development or subdivided within Coordinated Service Areas with Camrose County. The purpose of the levies is to reimburse the City the costs associated with the construction and installation of the following:
Off-Site Levy Bylaw (City Lands) |
Our Off-Site Levy Bylaw (City Lands) (1 MB) imposes and outlines the details for the payment of Off-Site Levies in respect of land that is to be developed or subdivided within City lands. The purpose of the levies is to reimburse the City the costs associated with the construction and installation of the following:
Prohibition on Feeding Deer |
Our Prohibition on Feeding Deer Bylaw (2 MB) prohibits the active feeding of deer within City limits. |
Property Tax Rates and Supplementary Property Tax Rates Bylaw |
Our Property Tax Rates and Supplementary Property Tax Rates Bylaw sets the property and supplementary property tax rates for the respective tax year.
Public Notification Bylaw |
Our Public Notification Bylaw (1 MB) establishes alternative methods that the City can use to advertise statutory notices. |
Public Property Bylaw |
Our Public Property Bylaw (9.1 MB) regulates the use of streets, sidewalks and other public property within the City. |
Recycling Bylaw |
Our Recycling Bylaw (1.0 MB) outlines the details for the collection of a recycling fee for the Recycling Program. |
Security Alarms System Bylaw |
Our Security Alarm Systems Bylaw (<1 MB) establishes the fees to be charged after responding to false alarms. |
Smoke Free Bylaw |
Our Smoke Free Bylaw (2.9 MB) controls smoking in public places and workplaces. |
Snow Removal Bylaw |
Our Snow Removal Bylaw (<1 MB) outlines the details of the removal of snow and other obstructions from sidewalks in the City. |
Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Bylaw |
Our Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Bylaw (3.8 MB) establishes a Subdivision and Development Appeal Board for the City. |
Subdivision and Development Authority Bylaw |
This Bylaw establishes the Subdivision and Development Authority (1.3 MB) for the City of Camrose. |
Supplementary Assessment Bylaw |
Our Supplementary Assessment Bylaw (1.6 MB) authorizes the City to prepare supplementary assessment for improvements for imposing a tax for the year 2019. |
Tax Penalty and Prepayment Allowance Bylaw |
Our Tax Penalty and Prepayment Allowance Bylaw (<1 MB) outlines the penalties for the non-payment of taxes and for an incentive allowance on tax prepayments. |
Taxi Bylaw |
Our Taxi Bylaw (2.9 MB) controls the licensing and regulating of taxi businesses within the City. |
Traffic Bylaw |
Our Traffic Bylaw (4.1 MB) controls traffic within the City. |
Transportation System Bylaw |
Our Transportation System Bylaw (<1 MB) establishes a roadway network for the City. |
Unsightly Premises Bylaw |
Our Unsightly Premises Bylaw (4 MB) prevents unsightly premises on properties within the City and provides a way to solve related issues. |
Waste Collection and Disposal Bylaw |
Our Waste Collection and Disposal Bylaw (8.2 MB) controls and maintains the collection, removal and disposal of solid waste within the City. |
Wastewater Bylaw |
Our Wastewater Bylaw (41.3 MB) regulates the operation of the City's wastewater system. |
Waste Water Treatment Plant Borrowing Bylaw |
Our Waste Water Treatment Plant Borrowing Bylaw (<1MB) allows City Council to incur debt through debentures in the amount of $21,000,000. This will be used for constructing a new waste water treatment plant. |
Water Conservation and Water Use Bylaw |
Our Water Conservation and Water Use Bylaw (<1 MB) governs water use and water conservation measures during events of water shortage. |
Waterworks Bylaw |
Our Waterworks Bylaw (3.7 MB) details the maintenance and management of the City's waterworks utility. |
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