Every business operating in the City of Camrose requires a business license

City Business License

You must complete a city business license application if you operate a business within City limits that have a physical location for customers to visit. If the location you chose has been vacant for more than six months or is a different use than what was previously at that location, a commercial development permit may be required.

View the City business license fees.

Submit your application via email to planning@camrose.ca.

Home Business License

For both a home occupation and a home office, a completed home owner authorization form is required if you are not the home owner along with your home business license application. View more information in our Home Businesses brochure.

Home Office

A home office will not have any customers and will not have any storage for the business in the residence. A home office must hold a license and comply with the Land Use Bylaw requirements.

Home Occupation

A home occupation is a business that is run out of your residence. A home occupation will have customers that are attending your house. Also, if you are storing supplies at your house, your business would be considered a home occupation. A home occupation must hold a license and comply with the Land Use Bylaw requirements.

Since customers will be attending the residence, a home occupation development permit will be required to ensure that all the regulations in the Land Use Bylaw are met.

View the Home business license fees.

Submit your application via email to planning@camrose.ca.

Mobile Vendor License

Mobile vendors are unique and have specific guidelines for distances to schools, residential development, restaurants, etc. To inquire about the regulations for a mobile vendor review section 10.6 in the Business License Bylaw.

Download the Mobile Vendor Application here and then submit your application via email to planning@camrose.ca.

View the Mobile Vendor license fees.

Regional Business License

County of Camrose

For companies that are working in the City of Camrose but are located within the County of Camrose, you are required to complete a regional business license application. View the regional business license fees.

Outside of Camrose County

If your business is located outside the County of Camrose but you are doing business within the City of Camrose, you are required to complete a regional business license application. View the regional business license fees.

Direct Sales

For any person who:

  • Goes from house to house selling or offering merchandise or services and does not have a permanent place of business in Camrose
  • Sells samples and the merchandise or service will be delivered after the sale
  • Sells merchandise or services on streets, roads or somewhere that is not their permanent place of business

Direct sale licenses are only permitted to be approved no more than 4 times per year. View the business license fees.

Submit your application via email to planning@camrose.ca.

Change of Ownership/Change of Mailing Address

Is your business changing ownership or changing the mailing address? Submit a Change of Ownership/Change of Mailing Address form to planning@camrose.ca


Note: If you are changing ownership, the previous business owner must cancel their active business license. 

The Business License Bylaw sets the regulations for the various types of businesses within the City of Camrose. Business licenses expire on December 31 of each year and must be renewed by January 31 the following year. (If payment is not received by January 31, a 1.5% penalty will be added to the first day of each month, commencing February 1.) If you cancel your business license during the year it is important to inform the City in writing so that your business account can be closed, and a renewal invoice will not be sent to you.

It is your responsibility to arrange for the required inspections (as noted on the application) by calling the inspector directly to arrange a date and time.

  • For fire inspection: 780.672.2906
  • For health inspection: 780.679.2980
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