Each year City Council appoints citizens to various committees, commissions, boards, and authorities as vacancies occur or as terms expire December 31st of each year.
City Council values the input of citizens appointed to these groups. Whether advisory, decision making, quasi-judicial, or governing, all provide citizens with an opportunity to be involved in the present and future direction of the City.
There are a number of ways that Camrose residents can get involved in shaping their community. Volunteering to serve is a great way to be actively involved in local government and to represent your community.
Member at Large appointments will be for a 1, 2, 3-year term unless determined elsewhere, or otherwise approved by Council.
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in serving on a Council Committee, Commission, Board or Authority, there are a number of volunteer opportunities available.
Assessment Review Board (Local or Composite)
The Assessment Review Boards hear assessment complaints from property owners who have concerns about their property assessment or about other matters on assessment or tax notice. Board Members are required to complete provincial certification training program every three years. The Board meets as required. The Board has no limits on membership and is always recruiting.
Camrose Airport Commission - 1 Member
The Camrose Airport Commission aid and assist in the development and operation of the Camrose Municipal Airport. The Commission meets bi-monthly on the third Wednesday of the month at 10:00 a.m., unless otherwise determined.
Camrose Green Action Committee - 4 Members
The Camrose Green Action Committee is a continuing committee whose purpose is to help Camrose become a more environmentally sustainable community, by advising Council and participating in relevant City and community initiatives. The Committee meets every third Tuesday of the month from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m.
Camrose Public Library Board - 1 Member
The Camrose Public Library Board oversees the operation of the library and is responsible for providing an excellent service to the City of Camrose and surrounding area. The Board meets the third Wednesday of every month at 5:00 p.m., except for July and August, unless otherwise determined.
Community Transit Advisory Committee - 3 Members
The Community Transit Advisory Committee acts a Steering Committee for future transit assessment and needs. The Committee meets the second Thursday of every second month at 2:30 p.m.
Heritage Advisory Committee - 2 Members & 1 Member (September)
The Heritage Advisory Committee provides input and guidance to the City of Camrose Administration and Council on matters relating to historic resources, and municipal heritage policies and programs. The Committee encourages and advocates for the preservation and safeguarding of historical structures and sites. It also educates and engages community stakeholders regarding the value of remembering and celebrating history, historic structures, places and events, and heritage in general. The Committee meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 9:30 a.m., excluding December, unless otherwise determined.
Municipal Planning Advisory Committee - 1 Member
The Municipal Planning Advisory Committee acts as the principal advisory body to Council on matters relating to land use planning, which are initiated by Council and / or Administration. The Committee meets as required.
Subdivision and Development Appeal Board
The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board hears and makes decision on subdivision and development appeals in accordance with the Municipal Government Act and the City’s Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Bylaw. Board Members are required to complete a provincial certification training program every three years. The Board meets as required. The Board has no limits on membership and is always recruiting.
Unless otherwise stated in the Council Committees Bylaw or Terms of Reference to be eligible for an appointment an applicant must be 18 years or older and a resident of the City of Camrose.
If you are interested in applying, please visit the Committees and Boards page for information on mandates, current members, and frequency of meetings.
- Application for appointments to Council Boards, Committees, Commissions and Authorities
- Application and Biography Form for Appointments to the Camrose Police Commission
Submit your application by email to Carla Johnson at cjohnson@camrose.ca or by mail to the attention of Legislative Services, City of Camrose, 5204 - 50 Avenue, T4V 0S8 or drop it off at City Hall at the reception desk on the first floor or place it into the outdoor mail in the front of the building.
Applications are accepted throughout the year as vacancies become available.
For more information on the appointment process, please review the following policies:
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