The City of Camrose operates on a two-year budget cycle that combines long-term financial planning with short-term operational needs to ensure stability and efficiency. The Budget has two parts: the Operating Budget, for basic operations that keep the city running, and the Capital Budget, for long-term projects, usually involving infrastructure. This entire process is guided by both the community's needs and the goals set out in Council’s Strategic Plan, which is based on citizen feedback. For example, the current 2022 – 2026 Strategic Plan was shaped by input from a Citizen Input Survey completed in February 2022.

Throughout the year, Council gives the City’s Administration guidance for the levels of service that they want to see provided. This feedback is then used to draft a base budget and then Administration develops additional business cases for any adjustments to levels of service and/or projects for Council to review during the November Finance Committee Meetings.

The Budget is then brought to a Committee of the Whole meeting for consideration in early December and then two weeks later is brought back to a Regular Council meeting for final approval.

At the end of the fiscal year, the City of Camrose prepares financial statements which are audited by our external auditors. These statements are reviewed by Council and made available to the public generally in April or May, ensuring transparency in how funds were used.

Current and historic budget and financial documents are available below. If you have any questions about these documents, please contact us at 780.672.4426 or at 

Operating Budget

Operating budgets cover the City's day-to-day operations. Some examples would be snow removal, parks, libraries, and building maintenance.

Capital Budget

Capital budgets cover larger assets and municipal projects. Some examples would be a new building roof, road repairs, replacement vehicles and computer equipment.

Audited Financial Statements

Below you will find the last audited financial statements available to the public. Included is the previous year's budget and the budget for the current year. Contact us if you would like a copy of previous reports.


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