School zones are changing in Camrose!

Due to inconsistent and sometimes confusing school zone times and signage, the City of Camrose collaborated with local schools and school boards to develop a clearer plan for school zone speed limits within the city.

Starting on September 3, 2024 (the first day of classes for students at local schools), school zone hours throughout Camrose will be from 07:30 to 16:30 on every school day.

Additionally, the placement of school zone signs has been reviewed and is being updated to align with provincial guidelines. This will ensure consistent signage locations, reduce clutter on the roadways closest to the schools, and expand some school zones to the adjacent roadways.

School Zone Maps

It is also important to note that the overhead flashing lights by Sparling School and Our Lady Mount Pleasant School have also been changed. The confusing signage on those former overhead flashers has been replaced with button-activated pedestrian flashers on either side of the roadway.

There are no current plans to install additional pedestrian flashers at other schools. Any requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, based on the City’s Pedestrian Safety Devices Policy.

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